
Home Properties

Land - Kottayam

Property Id : 1657
Property Type : Land
District : Kottayam
Location : Changanassery
Sy No. : 251/1
Extent in are : 68.39
Ernest Money : 23,89,500.00
Reserve Price : 2,38,95,000.00
Date of auction :
Time of auction :
Item No.1: land admeasuring 99.01 Cents bearing Re.Sy No.9/2/2, Block No.190 (Old Sy.No.251/1, 1-2-3) at Changanassery Village, Changanassery Taluk, Kottayam District. Item No.2 land admeasuring 28.33 Ares (equivalent to 70.00 Cents) and all other usufructs and improvements thereon, comprised in Re Sy. No. 9/2, Block No. 190 [Old Sy. No. 251/1,1-2-3], situated in Changanassery Village and Taluk, Kottayam District.